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⁣⁣In early Eastern religion, it was believed that divine energy was created at the base of the spine. It’s energy we are born with, and Kundalini works to “uncoil the snake” and connect us to this divine energy within. During this Kundalini session, Hagit will guide you through a gentle Kundalini activation to connect you to your body and life force.

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Engage in a guided womb healing meditation as Alex leads you through specific time intervals to explore the emotions carried in your womb. Dive into the profound healing potential of this practice and gain insight into the emotions and energies stored within your sacred centre.

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⁣Join ⁣Richard Barclay in this great morning workout for mobility. ⁣Exercise plays a crucial role in the healing process of burnout. It can elevate endorphin levels, enhance cardiovascular health and also induce adaptive stress, fostering greater balance and homeostasis within the body.

⁣Oluwatobiloba gracefully concludes this journey with a ritual dedicated to Osun, the sacred goddess from Yorubaland, Nigeria. Symbolising grace, abundance, and feminine energy, Osun serves as a beacon for those seeking to wash away stress, make empowered decisions, and fully embrace their innate strengths. Oluwatobiloba offers a daily practice for self-sovereignty, enabling you to harness the benefits of your journey, reflecting on all that you've learned throughout and how to integrate this wisdom into your daily life. Embrace the reminders of unconditional love and the joy of authenticity, allowing your spirit to shine brilliantly in the world.

Nutrition as Medicine

⁣Become Your Own Healer

⁣Join our Founder and CEO Natalie Munk as she welcomes you to Kaylo's Pleasure and Intimacy Journey. Navigate emotional and physical connection with expert guidance and set your intentions for the path ahead.

Alex leads you through a womb healing meditation with time intervals to explore the emotions carried there. Dive into the profound healing potential of this practice and gain insight into the energies stored within your sacred centre.

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⁣⁣⁣⁣Experienced naturopathic doctor Kirsten Smith explores the medical aspects of the menstrual cycle and female hormonal health. You will learn how the changing hormonal phases of the cycle impact energy, mood, metabolism, creativity and libido, and how by understanding how our hormones work, we can optimise our diet and lifestyle and live more in tune with our sacred rhythm.

⁣Empathy fatigue is a leading cause of burnout, particularly among people in caregiving roles or those who regularly invest a significant amount of themselves in others. In this enlightening session, Dr. Parneet Pal shows us the difference between empathy and compassion, offering insights how to protect your energy while maintaining care for those around you.

⁣Delve deeper into the mind-body connection ⁣with Dr. Kirsten Smith to better understand how stress and unprocessed emotions can make you sick and, most importantly, how you can live more in alignment to experience better health.

⁣When we’re experiencing burnout it’s easy to fall into a pessimistic thought state but it’s been proven that optimists experience better physical health and less instances of depression and anxiety. During this session Dr. Pal shows us how to change from a pessimistic mindset to a more optimistic one for better health and wellbeing.

⁣No whole health journey would be complete without speaking about nutrition. We really are what we eat, and food can be medicine or poison depending on what you put in your body. Dr. Kirsten Smith will show you the importance of eating a healthy diet as a foundation to whole health.

⁣Examine the habitual behavioral patterns that are detrimental to your health and contribute to burnout. Alex will compassionately guide you through exercises to help improve the way you communicate with yourself and teach you to acknowledge and prioritise your fundamental need for self-care and rest.

⁣Learn from Dr. Kirsten Smith about the cutting edge science of epigenetics and quantum physics, demonstrating how you hold the power to take control of your health by making positive changes in your lifestyle and mindset.

⁣Engage in a guided womb healing meditation as Alex leads you through specific time intervals to explore the emotions carried in your womb. Dive into the profound healing potential of this practice and gain insight into the emotions and energies stored within your sacred centre.

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