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⁣⁣⁣Often, we judge and try to alter our bodies, ignoring their inherent sensuality and our feminine connection. This embodied meditation guides you to reconnect, to gently acknowledge and appreciate the sensation of being in your body.

⁣Join bio-mechanics expert Alistair as he explains the science of conscious conception.

⁣Pete and Kalindi specialise in sexual intimacy and energy alchemy. Drawing upon principles from Tantra, Taoism and Modern Science, they will introduce you to an embodied ritual to deepen the sexual experience you can have with your partner.

⁣The Three Brains

⁣It's time to challenge the stigma that men should suppress their emotions. Left unaddressed, they can interfere with our health. Join Pete as he guides you towards a more relaxed state, where you can process and manage your emotions in a healthier way. Learn to explore your current experience, drop resistance to unwanted feelings, and transform old stories.

⁣Since the beginning of creation life has pulsed with oppositional energies: yin and yang, dark and light, night and day, feminine and masculine. In this session with Ludivine we will explore through a variety of meditations and embodied practices; we will learn how to express these forces to generate polarity and attraction so that we can experience a sense of harmony and wholeness within ourselves.

We all have both masculine & feminine energies inside of us, whatever our gender. Learning which masculine & feminine traits that we have adopted, allows us to become more aware of them and make changes that will help invite more pleasure & intimacy into our relationship. In this session with Ludivine you will explore some practices to become more aware of the energies you offer into your relationship.

⁣Emotional Root Cause As A Path To Illness

⁣In this inspiring session, Simone helps you tap into your inner strength and unearth your authentic voice. Guiding you beyond just the surface, she'll empower you to confront any insecurities and fully express your individuality. Simone's compassionate and nurturing approach allows you to delve into self-understanding, fostering a profound inner confidence that manifests in every aspect of your life. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and let your true voice be heard.

⁣J⁣oin Kia as she demystifies HeartMath, a groundbreaking approach to understanding the powerful connection between the heart and mind. In this session, you’ll gain insights into the science and philosophy behind HeartMath and be guided through two heart-focused breathing exercises. These practices are designed to harmonise your heart and mind, enhancing intuition, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.

⁣Active Tools to Release Stress and Regulate the System

⁣Natalie guides you through the empowering process of setting intentions for your upcoming journey. This insightful video focuses on highlighting positivity and what you wish to bring into your life.

Naturopathic doctor Kirsten Smith explores the medical aspects of the menstrual cycle and female hormonal health. You will learn how the changing phases of the cycle impact energy, mood, metabolism, creativity and libido, so we can live more in tune with our sacred rhythm.

⁣Natalie takes you through and explains the importance of an opening ritual ahead of the journey. op in the busyness of everyday life and have a moment to connect to your inner self, being and needs.

⁣5 Minute Morning Mobility

Join Alex in this session to master the art of Nonviolent Communication. Learn how to recognise and express your needs without judgement, enhance your empathy, and transform your interactions. Develop practical skills to listen actively and respond effectively, improving both personal and professional relationships.

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Engage in a guided womb healing meditation as Alex leads you through specific time intervals to explore the emotions carried in your womb. Dive into the profound healing potential of this practice and gain insight into the emotions and energies stored within your sacred centre.

⁣Learn from Ludivine Rose on how removing the goal during sex can lead to more exciting and meaningful experiences.

⁣Simone shares her expertise on healthy boundaries and their connection to self-worth. Discover the power of knowing your parameters, learning to say no, dealing with reactions, and being consistent with your values.

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