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⁣Kalindi guides you towards understanding your sexual desires. What are you yearning for? What barriers have come between you and pleasure? Start truly understanding what you want.

⁣Tallulah demonstrates abdominal breathing and movement meditation in the 18 flowing movements of shibasi, which deeply focuses on the bodies organs and the immune system. Each movement has a purpose and connects to bodily organs, optimising their natural function and especially the heart, lungs, kidneys and digestive system.

⁣⁣⁣⁣Dive into the world of Movement Medicine with Alex, exploring embodied exercises designed to help you connect with and better understand your menstrual cycle. Through mindful movement you'll navigate your cycle's ebb and flow, helping you better understand your energy levels, emotions and behaviours at different stages in your cycle.

⁣Join Tallulah as she intimately recounts her transformative journey with gut health issues and anxiety, which led her to embrace the art of healing. Dive deep into the concept of energy blockages and the importance of body awareness. Through this chapter, Tallulah will light the path to recognising, processing, and releasing stagnant energy, ultimately nurturing our nervous system and alleviating stress.

⁣ Join Ludivine as she guides us to uncover the wisdom inherent in our own bodies. We delve into a deep friendship with ourselves, cultivating a celebration of sensuality and the power of self-love. We let go of orgasm as the ultimate goal, transforming every moment into an opportunity for self-pleasure.

Gain insights with Anne Baring into how modern medicine has overlooked this important life phase and explore the available options. Embrace the wisdom and empowerment that come with your menopausal years.

⁣Dr. Kirsten Smith discusses integrative medicine and her background. Explore the concept of integrative management and its role in supporting women's health during this important life phase.

Engage in movement exercises that unlock feminine energy through fluid, free, and structured motions with Sophie. Discover how movement can transform stored tensions and awaken a joyful, sensual connection to your body.

⁣Before starting this session, we encourage you to:
Make sure you have cleared your space by moving any objects or wires to allow for free movement.
Be mindful of your body's cues and its limits. You know yourself best.
If you're pregnant or have any health concerns, kindly consult with your doctor beforehand.
Your safety and well-being are at the heart of what we do. Please take care.

⁣⁣Often, we judge and try to alter our bodies, ignoring their inherent sensuality and our feminine connection. This embodied meditation guides you to reconnect, to gently acknowledge and appreciate the sensation of being in your body.

In this session with Pete and Kalindi we will explore somatic ways of moving towards connection with a partner. Through ritual, we will awaken connection, presence, and sensuality between partners, opening possibilities for conscious somatic communication and the experience of union.

⁣Movement Medicine is a form of guided therapeutic dance mixed with shamanism that allows you to connect to your body and your emotions. Even if you’re not naturally a dancer, try this out and feel the beat of the music. Dance is an amazing practice used by ancient tribes to heal and shake out tensions no longer wanted in the body!

⁣⁣Sophie takes you through the physical anatomy of pleasure zones, helping you understand your own body in a deeper way alongside a Rose Bowl Meditation to drop into your body and reconnect with your sensuality.

⁣Disconnection From Authentic Self

⁣Join Dr. Jodie Peacock as she explains how you can use diet and supplementation to optimise fertility

⁣Tallulah will guide you through these practices that help you tune into your body and mind, embracing discomfort and releasing tension. Experience the flow of energy as you move, increasing your vitality and promoting overall well-being.

⁣Join Alistair, an Osteopath and Biomechanics expert, as he delivers an inspiring talk on harnessing your innate power to become your own healer. Through insightful discussions on boundary-setting, mindset shifts, and taking personal responsibility, Alistair empowers you to take proactive steps towards improving your health and overall wellbeing.

Join Ludivine for the art of conscious touch. Learn how to use touch to connect deeply, inviting presence and surrender without expectations. Discover the liberating power of touch and how it can transform your relationships.

⁣By exploring different techniques with Ludivine, we will bring awareness to the ways in which energy circulates through the body and we’ll uncover the beauty of conscious touch.

⁣During this powerful interview, Kaylo Founder Natlie Munk interviews Dr. Gabor Maté on what it means to disconnect from your authentic self and how this can be a path to illness. She also asks how he has built a more authentic connection with himself, leading him to open up about his own relationship to his emotions and trauma.

⁣By exploring different techniques, we will bring awareness to the ways in which energy circulates through the body. In this session with Ludivine, uncover the power of conscious touch.

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