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chapter 14

⁣Whether we are in partnership or solo, the skills of non-violent communication (NVC) are invaluable. Instead of seeing ourselves in conflict with another’s needs or wants, we learn how to observe the other without evaluation, to take responsibility for our own feelings and needs, to be less defensive and reactive, and amazingly, how to make requests that restore flow and intimacy.

⁣Simone shares her expertise on the importance of setting healthy boundaries as a crucial step in your burnout recovery. Discover the power of knowing your limits, mastering the art of saying no, handling reactions and being consistent with your values. You’ll also learn four simple steps to start creating strong boundaries today.

⁣Join our Founder and CEO Natalie Munk as she brings this Journey to a close. We hope you feel inspired to make small, manageable changes towards better health. Continue to listen to your body—your gut, heart, and mind—and maintain the practices of gratitude and mindfulness.

⁣Ludivine guides you through a journey of self-discovery. Dive into topics of trust, intimacy, and understanding your own source of pleasure. Identify the barriers preventing you from experiencing pleasure fully and learn strategies to overcome them.

⁣During this session, transformational coach and sound healer Simone, will guide you through a unique blend of sound using vocal exercises, toning, and meditation, aiming to reduce the body's stress levels, release negative emotions and tension in the body. This session can help you attain a state of deep relaxation and inner peace, supporting your body's natural ability to conceive.

⁣Time to once again gather your art supplies, as Zaira guides you in an art psychotherapy session to activate the power of your ventral vagal nerve. Through relaxing creativity, you will help your body remember how to feel at ease, even during times of stress.

⁣⁣Discover pleasure hacks with Ludivine Rose to enhance your well-being. Explore the importance of prioritising your pleasure and learn techniques to cultivate your sexual energy for greater fulfilment in all areas of your life.

⁣Whole Health Mini Journey

⁣Also referred to as Psychic Sleep or Non-Sleep Deep Rest, Yoga Nidra is a transformative practice that gently guides your mind and body into a profound state of relaxation. With just a comfortable, cozy space to recline, you'll embark on a journey of deep rejuvenation as you're skillfully led through a tranquil body scan and meditation.

⁣Embark on a journey of self-exploration and inner connection with yoga therapist Alex. Through a gentle practice integrating meditation and asana, you'll embark on a mindful exploration of your body, heart, and mind.


⁣Join Alex for an informative Q&A session addressing common questions and concerns. Gain insights into ancestral healing and the powerful experiences it can hold, working through resistance in this type of work. Discover valuable guidance to navigate your journey

⁣This session, led by Alex, will focus on cultivating active listening skills as a part of non-violent communication (NVC). By delving into exercises and practical learning, you will enhance your ability to empathetically listen to others and as a result respond more effectively to various situations. This skill can profoundly transform your interactions, both personally and professionally

⁣Join Alex as she unravels the profound concept of truly listening to your body. Delve into the understanding that our gut feelings or instincts are more than just fleeting emotions; they're deeply ingrained signals from our very core, designed to guide and protect us. ⁣Embark on a journey of self-awareness and healing as Alex explains the language of the body. Grasp the art of discerning the body's subtle messages, realising that it continually communicates its needs and imbalances, beckoning us to pay attention and act.

⁣⁣⁣Movement Medicine is a form of guided therapeutic dance mixed with shamanism that allows you to connect to your body and your emotions. Even if you’re not naturally a dancer, try this out and feel the beat of the music. Dance is an amazing practice used by ancient tribes to heal and shake out tensions no longer wanted in the body!

⁣Join our Founder and CEO Natalie Munk as she welcomes you to Kaylo's Pleasure and Intimacy Journey. Navigate emotional and physical connection with expert guidance and set your intentions for the path ahead.

Alex leads you through a womb healing meditation with time intervals to explore the emotions carried there. Dive into the profound healing potential of this practice and gain insight into the energies stored within your sacred centre.

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