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⁣The Crucial Role Of Testosterone With Alistair Richardson

⁣⁣⁣⁣Embark on a journey of healing and transformation as Alex introduces ancestral healing and somatic practices. Explore the power of asking your body for consent and learn to understand yes or no responses. Create a deeper connection with your body and its wisdom.

⁣Kundalini Yoga

⁣⁣⁣⁣Integrating somatic body therapy, shamanism and coaching, Alex helps women uncover and release those parts of their physical, emotional and spiritual bodies which have become stuck either through past trauma or other unresolved issues. Alex offers potent cleansing rituals that will help clear this energy stagnation and cleanse the womb space, so you can come home safely to the comfort of your body and to a loving, more fulfilled life.

⁣Opo - Morning Meditation V1


⁣Emily Lacey - Sunrise Meditation

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⁣⁣In this session, we focus on gentle breathing exercises. These are foundational Sophrology practices that help to rebalance your energy, release stress, and induce a state of relaxation.

Epigenetics - Dr

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⁣Unlock the power of your unique menstrual cycle as Alex takes you on a journey of understanding the energy shifts throughout your cycle. Learn how these changes influence your mood, creativity, and overall well-being, and how you can harness this knowledge to live in greater harmony with your body.

⁣Learn from Ludivine Rose about the power of conscious touch to optimise your sexual experiences.

⁣Morning Mobility V1 (1)

⁣Organ Series - Lungs

⁣Laor - Voice Essence Pt1

⁣Laor - Song 1 - So Good to Believe

⁣Conclusion to Whole Health

⁣Laor - Song 2

Showing 14 out of 15