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⁣During this enlightening session, listen to our founder Natalie Munk interview the world-renowned Dr. Gabor Maté on what it means when the body says no, why our medical system is so stretched and how to recover from stress and trauma

⁣⁣⁣⁣In this inspiring session, Simone helps you tap into your inner strength and unearth your authentic voice. Guiding you beyond just the surface, she'll empower you to confront any insecurities and fully express your individuality. Simone's compassionate and nurturing approach allows you to delve into self-understanding, fostering a profound inner confidence that manifests in every aspect of your life. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and let your true voice be heard.

⁣Empathy fatigue is a leading cause of burnout, particularly among people in caregiving roles or those who regularly invest a significant amount of themselves in others. In this enlightening session, Dr. Parneet Pal shows us the difference between empathy and compassion, offering insights how to protect your energy while maintaining care for those around you.

⁣When we’re experiencing burnout it’s easy to fall into a pessimistic thought state but it’s been proven that optimists experience better physical health and less instances of depression and anxiety. During this session Dr. Pal shows us how to change from a pessimistic mindset to a more optimistic one for better health and wellbeing.

⁣Examine the habitual behavioral patterns that are detrimental to your health and contribute to burnout. Alex will compassionately guide you through exercises to help improve the way you communicate with yourself and teach you to acknowledge and prioritise your fundamental need for self-care and rest.

⁣⁣Natalie takes you through and explains the importance of an opening ritual ahead of the journey. op in the busyness of everyday life and have a moment to connect to your inner self, being and needs.

⁣⁣⁣Experienced naturopathic doctor Kirsten Smith explores the medical aspects of the menstrual cycle and female hormonal health. You will learn how the changing hormonal phases of the cycle impact energy, mood, metabolism, creativity and libido, and how by understanding how our hormones work, we can optimise our diet and lifestyle and live more in tune with our sacred rhythm.

⁣Delve deeper into the mind-body connection ⁣with Dr. Kirsten Smith to better understand how stress and unprocessed emotions can make you sick and, most importantly, how you can live more in alignment to experience better health.

⁣No whole health journey would be complete without speaking about nutrition. We really are what we eat, and food can be medicine or poison depending on what you put in your body. Dr. Kirsten Smith will show you the importance of eating a healthy diet as a foundation to whole health.

⁣Learn from Dr. Kirsten Smith about the cutting edge science of epigenetics and quantum physics, demonstrating how you hold the power to take control of your health by making positive changes in your lifestyle and mindset.

⁣Join ⁣Richard Barclay in this great morning workout for mobility. ⁣Exercise plays a crucial role in the healing process of burnout. It can elevate endorphin levels, enhance cardiovascular health and also induce adaptive stress, fostering greater balance and homeostasis within the body.

⁣Ludivine leads a personal intimacy meditation you can do from the comfort of home. Explore what may be standing between you and pleasure and create daily reminders to prioritise it. ⁣

⁣Stress, Trauma, MindBody - Alistair Richardson (1)

⁣Find Your Soul Mission by Transforming Patterns into Potential

⁣In this interactive session, Art Psychotherapist Zaira teaches you about the key drivers of stress, how they impact your life and, most importantly, how you can overcome them. To participate, you will need something to some creative materials – this can be as simple as pen and paper, or felt tips, crayons and paints.

⁣Join Colin Kingsmill as he brings this journey to a close. We hope you feel more connected, powerful, and clear about your path forward. Keep using the tools and insights you've gained to thrive in all aspects of life. Continue exploring and growing!

⁣Yoga Nidra V2

⁣Unlock the power of your unique menstrual cycle as Alex takes you on a journey of understanding the energy shifts throughout your cycle. Learn how these changes influence your mood, creativity, and overall well-being, and how you can harness this knowledge to live in greater harmony with your body.

⁣When was the last time you felt awe? That feeling of being in the presence of something vast, something that makes you go wow! Dr. Parneet Pal delves into the science behind awe and savoring and how they can lead to a higher sense of wellbeing and connection to people and the world around us.


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