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⁣J⁣oin Kia as she demystifies HeartMath, a groundbreaking approach to understanding the powerful connection between the heart and mind. In this session, you’ll gain insights into the science and philosophy behind HeartMath and be guided through two heart-focused breathing exercises. These practices are designed to harmonise your heart and mind, enhancing intuition, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.

⁣Did you know the majority of your immune system and serotonin receptors reside in your gut? Join Alistair as he delves into the intricate relationship between our gut and emotions. Discover how hormone imbalances can impact gut health, why gut inflammation often links to anxiety and depression, and the misunderstood reactions of our body to various stress types.

⁣I⁣n this session, you will get to experience the power of Sophrology and how by adopting movement, breathing exercises and positive visualisations, you can simultaneously calm the mind and the body at the same time.

⁣Sophie provides us with the history of Sophrology and how it helped her on her personal journey to better health. You’ll discover that you’re able to train your mind to be in control of your thoughts and use Sophrology as a tool for better healthy habits.

⁣There are four types of stress that we experience in our lives and Alistair explains what happens when we are exposed to stress and the impact and havoc that this can wreak on our digestive systems, emotional and mental wellbeing.

⁣Alistair will take you on a step-by-step lesson on precisely what is physiologically happening every day in our bodies. Everything is connected and Alistair will explain how our nervous system has a pivotal role to play in our digestion and overall health.

⁣In this session our community has the opportunity to present Alistair with questions about his session and he talks about the importance of sleep in aiding fat loss and supplements to help with poor sleep.

⁣Tallulah demonstrates abdominal breathing and movement meditation in the 18 flowing movements of shibasi, which deeply focuses on the bodies organs and the immune system. Each movement has a purpose and connects to bodily organs, optimising their natural function and especially the heart, lungs, kidneys and digestive system.

⁣Tallulah will guide you through these practices that help you tune into your body and mind, embracing discomfort and releasing tension. Experience the flow of energy as you move, increasing your vitality and promoting overall well-being.

⁣Tallulah ends her session with a meditation practice, where we can rest and reflect on how the previous practices brought up for us. Tallulah will explain how by letting go, we are supporting the digestion of information into our body, and so, our general emotional health.

⁣Join Charlotte Fraser for a Q&A session where she addresses your most pressing questions about gut health, the impact of diet on well-being, and naturopathic strategies to improve your whole health.

⁣Explore the power ⁣of food for gut, brain and heart health with Charlotte Fraser. Learn about fermented foods and prebiotics and dive into practical strategies for a resilient digestive system and a happier, healthier you.

⁣Join Charlotte Fraser as she introduces the transformative Gut Health Wheel. ⁣Discover why ⁣a varied and diverse diet is key to optimum health. Explore how identifying your unique "disease pathways" can reveal vital insights into vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and guide your journey to whole health.

⁣Explore the powerful connection between nutrition and well-being with Charlotte Fraser. Discover how our unique gut microbiome and the gut-brain axis impact our health and emotions, including the role of beneficial bacteria.

⁣⁣Join our Founder and CEO Natalie Munk as she welcomes you to Kaylo's 'Gut, Brain, Heart Connection’ Journey. Delve into the pioneering science of the gut, its profound impact on overall well-being, and embark on a path of nourishment, balance, and holistic healing.

⁣Orgasm is one of the most powerful expressions of our lifeforce. Redefining what an orgasm is can allow us to connect to its deeper meaning as a force of creation and regeneration. Shifting from tension to relaxation, we give ourselves the opportunity to enter the infinite gift of the present. In this workshop we will discover how to expand our orgasmic potential by focusing on presence, breath and whole-body pleasure.

We all have both masculine & feminine energies inside of us, whatever our gender. Learning which masculine & feminine traits that we have adopted, allows us to become more aware of them and make changes that will help invite more pleasure & intimacy into our relationship. In this session with Ludivine you will explore some practices to become more aware of the energies you offer into your relationship.

⁣Since the beginning of creation life has pulsed with oppositional energies: yin and yang, dark and light, night and day, feminine and masculine. In this session with Ludivine we will explore through a variety of meditations and embodied practices; we will learn how to express these forces to generate polarity and attraction so that we can experience a sense of harmony and wholeness within ourselves.

In this session with Pete and Kalindi we will explore somatic ways of moving towards connection with a partner. Through ritual, we will awaken connection, presence, and sensuality between partners, opening possibilities for conscious somatic communication and the experience of union.

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