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Join Alex Hanly for a compelling session on understanding non-violent communication (NVC). Whether you're in a partnership or solo, it's essential for both. This workshop will guide you through observing without judgment, taking responsibility for your own feelings and needs, and learning how to communicate effectively to reduce conflicts.
Disconnection From Authentic Self
Alistair will take you on a step-by-step lesson on precisely what is physiologically happening every day in our bodies. Everything is connected and Alistair will explain how our nervous system has a pivotal role to play in our digestion and overall health.
Dive deeper into the practice of setting boundaries during this group coaching session. Simone guides you through the challenges and triumphs of asserting personal boundaries, fostering a space of support and shared growth.
Emotional Root Cause As A Path To Illness
Dive deeper into the practice of setting boundaries during this group coaching session. Simone guides you through the challenges and triumphs of asserting personal boundaries, fostering a space of support and shared growth.
Kalindi guides you towards understanding your sexual desires. What are you yearning for? What barriers have come between you and pleasure? Start truly understanding what you want.
Since the beginning of creation life has pulsed with oppositional energies: yin and yang, dark and light, night and day, feminine and masculine. In this session with Ludivine we will explore through a variety of meditations and embodied practices; we will learn how to express these forces to generate polarity and attraction so that we can experience a sense of harmony and wholeness within ourselves.
Join Kia as she demystifies HeartMath, a groundbreaking approach to understanding the powerful connection between the heart and mind. In this session, you’ll gain insights into the science and philosophy behind HeartMath and be guided through two heart-focused breathing exercises. These practices are designed to harmonise your heart and mind, enhancing intuition, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.
In this inspiring session, Simone helps you tap into your inner strength and unearth your authentic voice. Guiding you beyond just the surface, she'll empower you to confront any insecurities and fully express your individuality. Simone's compassionate and nurturing approach allows you to delve into self-understanding, fostering a profound inner confidence that manifests in every aspect of your life. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and let your true voice be heard.
Master Life Coach Zoran Todorovic delves into the powerful male archetypes King, Warrior, Magician and Lover. Learn how understanding them can help you align with your life purpose and overcome obstacles in your path.
By exploring different techniques, we will bring awareness to the ways in which energy circulates through the body. In this session with Ludivine, uncover the power of conscious touch.
Listen to what seekers and practitoners have to say about Kaylo
Richard will guide you through a series of deliberate, creative and playful ground-based animal-inspired movements using your body weight resistance and mobility, before seamlessly connecting them into a flow.
In this session with Pete and Kalindi we will explore somatic ways of moving towards connection with a partner. Through ritual, we will awaken connection, presence, and sensuality between partners, opening possibilities for conscious somatic communication and the experience of union.
Kia guides you through a scientifically backed technique to soothe emotions and create more self compassion.
Join bio-mechanics expert Alistair as he explains the science of conscious conception.
Simone shares her expertise on healthy boundaries and their connection to self-worth. Discover the power of knowing your parameters, learning to say no, dealing with reactions, and being consistent with your values.